New Company and Old Name

New Company and Old Name

6 July 2021 is the shop's new birthday!

After a couple of years learning and dodging small icebergs like a global pandemic I am ready to make the arts shop a real thing. As far as projects go this one has had a fabulous array of learnings.

My favourite so far has been arting vicariously through the enquiry and sharing of my customers. My willingness to admit how much I don't know means I can openly google what you are all talking about during the conversation. This is the inspiration I live for. Seeing new ideas, new mediums and the next representation of putting that together. It's kind of like oxygen. I have such gratitude to those of you who indulge me.

I have learned about counting stock, grooming data and solving category conflicts. Give me a great many weeks and we should all start to see the fruits of that. There are a few categories in this new website which are ready to rock and roll. With 33 thousand stock records to work through I think I know what my hobby is going to be for the forseeable future.

My lessons in balance have been hard won. 

So, New Company!

Old Name :)

See you all soon

Posted: Tuesday 6 July 2021
